Console log with implicitly returned React components

Sometimes it can be annoying when you are trying to quickly console log something within a component that it implicitily returned, here is a quick trick.

Let's take the below code for example. If you wanted to console.log(task) your first thought would be okay well now I need to change this to an explicit return so that I can log before the return right?!?!

import React from 'react'

const Task = ({ task }) => <div>The id of the task is {}</div>

⬇ Like below ⬇

import React from 'react'

const Task = ({ task }) => {

  return <div>The id of the task is {}</div>

However there is a much easier way of doing this that won't make you rewrite how the component returns the JSX.

The thing to think about in the below syntax is what does console.log(task) evaluate to? false right, and because of this we can || the result

import React from 'react'

const Task = ({ task }) =>
  console.log(task) || <div>The id of the task is {}</div>

Simple enough right?

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